Josh and Shannan Nielson lost their precious daughter, Layla, in a drowning accident. They "Love Like Layla" on a daily basis and survive through service.
Our Story
We are the Nielson crew, we both came from larger families and always desired for a larger family of our own. We married in 2006 and were overjoyed when Shannan got pregnant. Sadly, a month later we lost our little angel to a miscarriage and went down the road of grief and wondering if a family would ever be in our near future. Yet after many prayers, blessings and faith we were able to start our family. We were blessed every two years with more children which then totaled 4 active, amazing children that we adore. Life was so busy, but Shannan kept feeling there was another child waiting to join our family. We were later blessed with our little Layla who brought love and joy so easily to our growing family. We felt complete and enjoyed her for her whole life of 19 and a half months. Little did we know that the worst thing imaginable would be part of our story. Precious Layla was found at the bottom of our pool unconscious and lifeless. Our whole family saw the whole thing and tried our best to bring her back to life. We were blessed with 2 extra days at the hospital with her, but sadly never got the miracle we dreamed and prayed for. Layla passed away on April 9th, 2020.
Through our everyday pain, loneliness, grief and sorrow we have come to lean more upon our Savior for support and have found much healing and hope through others who show up and have gone through the same tragity of loosing someone they loved so much. In hopes to carry on Layla’s legacy and honor her goodness, We helped create SRVIVRS as a way to allow our hearts to mend through service and Loving like Layla did. We share with our children, friends and family that the only choice we really do have is to Survive and serve in honor of our angel in heaven. We hope to share our raw and real feelings to others who need support. Having my sister, Stacy, experience the death of her daughter only 3 years before my daughter passed, has allowed me to see a road less taken and that there is a better way, amongst the grief and pain I feel daily. We, as a family have chosen to Survive through service and Love like Layla on a daily basis. Some days are better than others, but we are trying. We hope you feel the support and love we desire to give you during your hardest days of your lives.
Josh and Shannan Nielson lost their precious daughter, Layla, in a drowning accident. They "Love Like Layla" on a daily basis and survive through service.